Embrace Bluetooth Smart for Your Smart Devices

We deliver fast and secure Bluetooth low energy solutions for modern businesses. Integrate Bluetooth smart in your products, hardware accessories and apps OR get your own custom ble app as per business needs.

Bluetooth low energy (Bluetooth LE, BLE, marketed as Bluetooth Smart) is a network technology designed and marketed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group. As compared to the Classic Bluetooth, Bluetooth Smart is intended to provide considerably reduced power consumption and lower cost while maintaining the same communication range.


What we see around in the form of smart homes, automobiles, smart healthcare devices, fitness apps and industrial gadgets, all are some of the areas where BLE is showing its true power. The technology – also dubbed as Bluetooth Smart or Bluetooth 4.0 works on almost the same principles as normal bluetooth but consumes very little power to communicate with devices, applications, and hardware.


This ease of communication and low-energy requirements, it’s gaining more and more attraction in development and business circles. Fundamentally, the central device has 4 key commands to make and that are: read, write, indicate and notify.


If we look around, there are a range of good examples where Bluetooth low energy is already in use. Good examples of BLE solutions include heart rate monitors, health applications, battery monitor, LED, callback or button LEDs etc. You can see the car lock apps, smartwatches, and wearable gadgets; all use one or more characteristics of the same.


Having deep expertise in emerging technologies, IQVIS offers you reliable BLE app development services. No matter if you are a Startup or an enterprise, Team IQVIS can help you employ BLE or Bluetooth Smart technology to your business advantage. We have helped established brands and app developers take advantage of latest technologies and can do the same for you. Request a free consultancy session to discuss your idea.
